Source code for fiction_outlines_api.mixins

import logging
from django.db import transaction
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.http import Http404
from treebeard.exceptions import InvalidPosition, InvalidMoveToDescendant, PathOverflow
from rest_framework.generics import get_object_or_404
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError, PermissionDenied
from rest_framework import response, status
from fiction_outlines.signals import tree_manipulation
from fiction_outlines.models import IntegrityError
from .exceptions import TreeUnavailable
from fiction_outlines.models import ArcGenerationError

POSITIONS = ('first-child', 'last-child', 'first-sibling', 'last-sibling', 'left', 'right')

logger = logging.getLogger('fiction-outlines-api')

[docs]class MultiObjectPermissionsMixin(object): ''' API Mixin that compares ``n`` objects and their permissions and returns if both are valid. Objects can be referred to by key afterwards in self.object_dict. permission dict should be: {'obj1': {'obj_class': class_model, 'lookup_url_kwarg', 'object_permission_required': 'your rules perm here'}, ...} Is it ugly, yes. Does it make doing this in view after view repeatable. Yep. ''' object_class_permission_dict = {}
[docs] def get_permission_object(self, pkval, objectpermission, obj_class): ''' Fetches the permission object and checks it agains the permission specified. :param pkval: The pk value to use in the search. :param objectpermission: A permission based on the :module:`rules` format, e.g. "app_name.permission_name" :param obj_class: The class of the object we are searching for. :returns: The found object. ''' queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_object_permission_queryset(obj_class)) filter_kwargs = {self.lookup_field: pkval} obj = get_object_or_404(queryset, **filter_kwargs) self.check_object_permissions(self.request, objectpermission, obj) return obj
[docs] def check_object_permissions(self, request, perm, obj): ''' Verifies the object permissions are valid for the current user. :param request: The request object. The user is retrieved from here. :param perm: The permission to validate against (in :module:`rules`) format. :param obj: The object to evaluate. :raise PermissionDenied: when user lacks the required permission. ''' if not request.user.has_perm(perm, obj): raise PermissionDenied return super().check_object_permissions(request, obj)
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.permission_object_dict = {} for obj, attrs in self.object_class_permission_dict.items(): try: self.permission_object_dict[obj] = self.get_permission_object(kwargs[attrs['lookup_url_kwarg']], attrs['object_permission_required'], attrs['obj_class']) except PermissionDenied as PD: error_response = response.Response({'error_message': str(PD)}, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, content_type='application/json') error_response.accepted_renderer = request.accepted_renderer return error_response return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_object_permission_queryset(self, obj_class): ''' Fetches the queryset for the permission object. :param obj_class: Model class of the object to retrieve. :returns: A django queryset for the class. ''' return obj_class.objects.all()
[docs]class NodeAddMixin(object): ''' API Mixin for add_sibling and add_child commands. :attribute fields_required_for_add: A tuple of fields that should be required in the submitted serializer in order to create the object. ''' fields_required_for_add = ('description',) # Declare in more detail in subclass.
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Parses kwargs and kicks off evaluation process. :keyword action: Either ``add_child`` or ``add_sibling``. :keyword position: If ``add_sibling`` this is required, and must be a value from :data:POSITIONS. If action is ``add_child`` this is ignored. :raise Http404: if action is not a one of the two permitted options. ''' self.source_node = self.get_object() self.action = kwargs['action'] if self.action not in ['add_child', 'add_sibling']: raise Http404 logger.debug('Action is set as %s' % self.action) if 'position' in kwargs.keys() and self.action == 'add_sibling': self.pos = kwargs['position'] if self.pos not in POSITIONS: raise ValidationError(_("Not a valid position for adding node.")) else: self.pos = None return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): ''' Does the final validation of submitted data and if valid proceeds with creation. :raises NotImplementedError: if client attempts to specify many-to-many relationship at creation. ''' serializer = self.get_serializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) if serializer.validated_data['assoc_characters'] or serializer.validated_data['assoc_locations']: raise NotImplementedError(_('Sorry, but specifying linked characters and locations at creation is not currently supported.')) # noqa: E501 serializer = self.perform_create(serializer) headers = self.get_success_headers( return response.Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)
[docs] def perform_create(self, serializer): ''' The actual creation part. :param serializer: The serializer object representing the object to be created. :raises ValidationError: if the data submitted is invalid or violates the structure of the tree. :returns: A serializer representing the created object. ''' kwarg_dict = {} for field in self.fields_required_for_add: kwarg_dict[field] = serializer.validated_data[field] if self.pos: kwarg_dict['pos'] = self.pos try: with transaction.atomic(): logger.debug('attempting execution of %s for %s' % (self.action, self.source_node)) new_node = getattr(self.source_node, self.action)(**kwarg_dict) logger.debug("New node created with pk of %s, which is a child of %s" % (, new_node.get_parent(update=True))) except ArcGenerationError as AE: logger.debug("ArcGenerationError: %s" % str(AE)) raise ValidationError(str(AE)) except IntegrityError as IE: logger.debug("IntegrityError: %s" % str(IE)) raise ValidationError(str(IE)) new_serializer = self.get_serializer_class()(new_node) logger.debug("New serializer data looks like: %s" % return new_serializer
[docs]class NodeMoveMixin(object): ''' API mixin for move method for nodes. ''' source_node = None target_node = None target_node_type_fieldname = None # fieldname to send to tree_manipulation signal. pos = None related_key = None # Specify in subclass
[docs] def get_object(self, pkval): ''' Fetches an individual object and verifies that the user has the appropriate permissions to move it. :param pkval: The primary key value to use in the search. :returns: Object :raises Http404: if object cannot be found :raises PermissionDenied: if user does not have the required permissions. ''' logger.debug('generating queryset') queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()) filter_kwargs = {self.lookup_field: pkval} logger.debug('Searching for node with: %s' % filter_kwargs) obj = get_object_or_404(queryset, **filter_kwargs) self.check_object_permissions(self.request, obj) return obj
[docs] def perform_move(self): ''' Validates the proposed move, and if valid, will manipulate the tree accordingly. :raises ValidationError: if the move request violates tree structure. :raises TreeUnavailable: if the DB tree is out of available nodes. :returns: A serializer representing the updated node. ''' logger.debug('Comparing related values from %s' % self.related_key) if getattr(self.source_node, self.related_key) != getattr(self.target_node, self.related_key): logger.debug('%s and %s do NOT match.' % (getattr(self.source_node, self.related_key), getattr(self.target_node, self.related_key))) raise ValidationError(_('Nodes must be from the same %s' % self.related_key)) logger.debug("Keys match!") logger.debug("Checking pos vs target...") if 'child' not in self.pos and self.target_node.is_root(): logger.debug("You can't move this to the level of the root!") raise ValidationError(_('You cannot move this item to the same level as a root node!')) try: logger.debug("Sending manipulation signal for %s" % self.source_node.__class__) tree_manipulation.send(sender=self.source_node.__class__, instance=self.source_node, target_node=self.target_node, target_node_type=getattr(self.target_node, self.target_node_type_fieldname), action='move', pos=self.pos) except IntegrityError as IE: logger.error(_('This would result in nodes being children of invalid parent nodes. %s' % str(IE))) raise ValidationError(_('This would result in nodes being children of invalid parent nodes. %s' % str(IE))) try: with transaction.atomic(): self.source_node.move(target=self.target_node, pos=self.pos) except InvalidPosition as IP: # pragma: no cover Treebeard error that is very hard to trigger. logger.error(_("This is not a permitted position. \n Details: %s" % str(IP))) raise ValidationError(_('This is not a permitted position. Details: %s' % str(IP))) except InvalidMoveToDescendant as IMD: logger.error(_('Invalid move to descendant! %s' % str(IMD))) raise ValidationError(_('You cannot move an arc element to be the sibling or child of one of its descendants.')) # noqa: E501 except PathOverflow as PO: # pragma: no cover It would take a monumental amount of data to trigger this. logger.error(_('There is no further room within the tree for %s!!!!! DETAILS: %s' % (str(self.source_node.__class__), str(PO)))) raise TreeUnavailable return self.get_serializer_class()(self.get_object(
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug("Trying to fetch source node.") self.source_node = self.get_object(kwargs['node_to_move_id']) logger.debug("Trying to fetch target node") self.target_node = self.get_object(kwargs['target_node_id']) self.pos = kwargs['position'] new_node_serializer = self.perform_move() return response.Response(, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)