fiction_outlines_api package


fiction_outlines_api.apps module

class fiction_outlines_api.apps.FictionOutlinesApiConfig(app_name, app_module)[source]

Bases: django.apps.config.AppConfig

name = 'fiction_outlines_api'
verbose_name = 'Fiction Outlines API'

fiction_outlines_api.exceptions module

exception fiction_outlines_api.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable(detail=None, code=None)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.exceptions.APIException

default_code = 'service_unavailable'
default_detail = 'Service temporarily unavailable, please try again later.'
status_code = 503
exception fiction_outlines_api.exceptions.TreeUnavailable(detail=None, code=None)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.exceptions.APIException

default_code = 'tree_unavailable'
default_detail = 'We are having temporary issues with outlines at this time. Please try again later.'
status_code = 503

fiction_outlines_api.mixins module

class fiction_outlines_api.mixins.MultiObjectPermissionsMixin[source]

Bases: object

API Mixin that compares n objects and their permissions and returns if both are valid. Objects can be referred to by key afterwards in self.object_dict. permission dict should be:

{‘obj1’: {‘obj_class’: class_model, ‘lookup_url_kwarg’, ‘object_permission_required’: ‘your rules perm here’}, …}

Is it ugly, yes. Does it make doing this in view after view repeatable. Yep.

check_object_permissions(request, perm, obj)[source]

Verifies the object permissions are valid for the current user.

  • request – The request object. The user is retrieved from here.
  • perm – The permission to validate against (in :module:`rules`) format.
  • obj – The object to evaluate.

PermissionDenied – when user lacks the required permission.


Fetches the queryset for the permission object.

Parameters:obj_class – Model class of the object to retrieve.
Returns:A django queryset for the class.
get_permission_object(pkval, objectpermission, obj_class)[source]

Fetches the permission object and checks it agains the permission specified.

  • pkval – The pk value to use in the search.
  • objectpermission – A permission based on the :module:`rules` format, e.g. “app_name.permission_name”
  • obj_class – The class of the object we are searching for.

The found object.

object_class_permission_dict = {}
post(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class fiction_outlines_api.mixins.NodeAddMixin[source]

Bases: object

API Mixin for add_sibling and add_child commands.

Attribute fields_required_for_add:
 A tuple of fields that should be required in the submitted serializer in order to create the object.
create(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Does the final validation of submitted data and if valid proceeds with creation.

Raises:NotImplementedError – if client attempts to specify many-to-many relationship at creation.
fields_required_for_add = ('description',)

The actual creation part.

Parameters:serializer – The serializer object representing the object to be created.
Raises:ValidationError – if the data submitted is invalid or violates the structure of the tree.
Returns:A serializer representing the created object.
post(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Parses kwargs and kicks off evaluation process.

  • action – Either add_child or add_sibling.
  • position – If add_sibling this is required, and must be a value from :data:POSITIONS. If action is add_child this is ignored.

Http404 – if action is not a one of the two permitted options.

class fiction_outlines_api.mixins.NodeMoveMixin[source]

Bases: object

API mixin for move method for nodes.


Fetches an individual object and verifies that the user has the appropriate permissions to move it.


pkval – The primary key value to use in the search.



  • Http404 – if object cannot be found
  • PermissionDenied – if user does not have the required permissions.

Validates the proposed move, and if valid, will manipulate the tree accordingly.

  • ValidationError – if the move request violates tree structure.
  • TreeUnavailable – if the DB tree is out of available nodes.

A serializer representing the updated node.

pos = None
post(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
related_key = None
source_node = None
target_node = None
target_node_type_fieldname = None

fiction_outlines_api.models module

All models come from fiction_outlines so there is nothing to do here.

fiction_outlines_api.rules module

Rules definitions for api. We just import in the default rules from fiction_outlines.

fiction_outlines_api.serializers module

class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcCreateSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.serializers.Serializer

Serializer used for arc creation. You can’t create an Arc using it’s primary serializer.

class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcElementNodeSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for ArcElementNode.

Special read-only attributes:

Attribute is_milestone:
 Does this element represent a milestone in the Arc
Attribute milestone_seq:
 If a milestone, what is the proscribed sequence where it should appear in the context of the other milestones.
Attribute parent_outline:
 Convenience reference to the parent outline object.
Attribute headline:
 Automatically generated from the first line of the description.
class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'arc', 'arc_element_type', 'headline', 'description', 'story_element_node', 'assoc_characters', 'assoc_locations', 'milestone_seq', 'is_milestone', 'parent_outline')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.ArcElementNode

read_only_fields = ('id', 'arc', 'headline', 'milestone_seq', 'is_milestone', 'parent_outline')
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for Arc model.

To create an Arc, make sure to instead use the ArcCreateSerializer and post it to fiction_outlines_api.views.ArcCreateView

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'mace_type', 'outline', 'name', 'current_errors', 'arc_structure')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.Arc

read_only_fields = ('id', 'outline', 'current_errors', 'arc_structure')

Fetches all the fiction_outlines.models.ArcElementNode objects assocaited with this arc as an annotated list.

Parameters:obj – The arc this serializer represents.
Returns:An annotated list ready to be serialized or an empty list.
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.CharacterInstanceSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for character instance.

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

extra_kwargs = {'field': {'required': False}}
field = 'name'
fields = ('id', 'outline', 'character', 'name', 'main_character', 'pov_character', 'protagonist', 'antagonist', 'obstacle', 'villain')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.CharacterInstance

read_only_fields = ('id', 'outline', 'character', 'name')
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.CharacterSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: taggit_serializer.serializers.TaggitSerializer, rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for Character model.

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'series', 'tags', 'character_instances')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.Character

read_only_fields = ('id', 'character_instances')
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.LocationInstanceSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for location instance.

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

extra_kwargs = {'field': {'required': False}}
field = 'outline'
fields = ('id', 'location', 'name', 'outline')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.LocationInstance

read_only_fields = ('id', 'location', 'name', 'outline')
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.LocationSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: taggit_serializer.serializers.TaggitSerializer, rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for Location model.

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'series', 'tags', 'location_instances')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.Location

read_only_fields = ('id', 'location_instances')
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.OutlineSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: taggit_serializer.serializers.TaggitSerializer, rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for Outline model. Also provides outline_structure, which is a treebeard annotated list of story element nodes.

Special read-only fields:

Attribute length_estimate:
 Auto calculated length (in words) based on the number of characters, locations, and arcs.
Attribute arc_set:
 The fiction_outlines.models.Arc objects associated with this outline.
Attribute characterinstance_set:
 Character instances associated with this outline.
Attribute locationinstance_set:
 Location instances associated with this outline.
Attribute outline_structure:
 An annotated list of fiction_outlines.models.StoryElementNode objects for visualizing the tree structure.
class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'title', 'description', 'series', 'tags', 'length_estimate', 'arc_set', 'characterinstance_set', 'locationinstance_set', 'outline_structure')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.Outline

read_only_fields = ('id', 'length_estimate', 'arc_set', 'characterinstance_set', 'locationinstance_set', 'outline_structure')

Retrieves all fiction_outlines.StoryElementNode objects associated with this outline, and returns it as an annotated list that can be serialized.

Parameters:obj – The outline object this serializer represents.
Returns:An annotated list for serialization or an empty list.
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.SeriesSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: taggit_serializer.serializers.TaggitSerializer, rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for Series model.

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'title', 'description', 'tags')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.Series

read_only_fields = ('id',)
class fiction_outlines_api.serializers.StoryElementNodeSerializer(instance=None, data=<class 'rest_framework.fields.empty'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.serializers.ModelSerializer

Serializer for StoryElementNode

Two special fields here:

Attribute all_characters:
 All characters associated with this node or its descendants.
Attribute all_locations:
 All locations associated with this node of its descendants.
class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'story_element_type', 'name', 'description', 'outline', 'assoc_characters', 'assoc_locations', 'all_characters', 'all_locations', 'impact_rating')

alias of fiction_outlines.models.StoryElementNode

read_only_fields = ('all_characters', 'all_locations', 'impact_rating', 'outline', 'id')
fiction_outlines_api.serializers.convert_annotated_list(annotated_list, serializer_class)[source]

Takes an annotated list and a serializer class and returns a version that is suitable for serialization.

fiction_outlines_api.urls module

fiction_outlines_api.views module

class fiction_outlines_api.views.ArcCreateView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.CreateAPIView

API for creating arcs. Uses a custom serializer, as Arcs are generated via special methods inside a transaction.

Provides HTTP method:

create(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

.dispatch() is pretty much the same as Django’s regular dispatch, but with extra hooks for startup, finalize, and exception handling.

object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.edit_outline'
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
post(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcCreateSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.ArcDetailView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API for non-create object operations for Arc model.

Provides HTTP methods:

  • GET: Retrieve an individual object.
  • PUT: Update the object with data compatible with a fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcSerializer
  • PATCH: Update the object with partial data that corresponds to keys in the serializer.
  • DELETE: Delete the object.
delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'arc'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_arc'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.ArcNodeCreateView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, fiction_outlines_api.mixins.NodeAddMixin, rest_framework.generics.CreateAPIView

API view for add_child and add_sibling. You can only create tree objects in relation to another object in the tree. See mixins.NodeAddMixin for more details.

fields_required_for_add = ('arc_element_type', 'description', 'story_element_node')

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'arcnode'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.edit_arc_node'
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcElementNodeSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.ArcNodeDetailView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API for viewing a tree of fiction_outlines.models.ArcElementNode, as well as some basic updates.

Provides HTTP methods:

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
destroy(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Destroys the object, but first checks that the element doesn’t represent either the Hook or Resolution of an Arc. These types may not be deleted unless you are deleting the whole arc.

Raises:ParseError – if the object represents the Hook or Resolution.

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'arcnode'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_arc_node'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcElementNodeSerializer

update(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class fiction_outlines_api.views.ArcNodeMoveView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, fiction_outlines_api.mixins.NodeMoveMixin, rest_framework.generics.GenericAPIView

View for moving arc nodes. See mixins.NodeMoveMixin for more details.


Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.edit_arc_node'
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
related_key = 'arc'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.ArcElementNodeSerializer

target_node_type_fieldname = 'arc_element_type'
class fiction_outlines_api.views.CharacterDetail(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API view for all single item character operations besides create.

Provides HTTP methods:

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'character'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_character'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Validates that if a series is specified, that the user has rights to it as well.

Raises:PermissionDenied – if the user does not have the required permissions.
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.CharacterSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.CharacterInstanceCreateView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: fiction_outlines_api.mixins.MultiObjectPermissionsMixin, rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.CreateAPIView

API view for creating a character instance. Expects kwargs in url for character and outline. All other data comes from the serializer.

Provides HTTP methods:

object_class_permission_dict = {'character': {'obj_class': <class 'fiction_outlines.models.Character'>, 'object_permission_required': 'fiction_outlines.edit_character', 'lookup_url_kwarg': 'character'}, 'outline': {'obj_class': <class 'fiction_outlines.models.Outline'>, 'object_permission_required': 'fiction_outlines.edit_outline', 'lookup_url_kwarg': 'outline'}}

Attempts the actual creation of the instance.

Raises:ParseError – if the character is already associated with the outline.
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.CharacterInstanceSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.CharacterInstanceDetailView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API view for non-creation actions on CharacterInstance objects.

Provides HTTP methods:

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'instance'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_character_instance'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.CharacterInstanceSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.CharacterList(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.generics.ListCreateAPIView

API view for character list

Provies HTTP methods:


Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.CharacterSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.LocationDetail(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API view for all single item location operations besides create.

Provides HTTP methods:

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'location'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_location'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Performs update actions. If a series is specified, it verifies the user has rights to it as well.

Raises:PermissionDenied – if the user does not have the correct permissions.
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.LocationSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.LocationInstanceCreateView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: fiction_outlines_api.mixins.MultiObjectPermissionsMixin, rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.CreateAPIView

API view for creating a location instance. Expects kwargs in url for location and outline. All other data comes from the serializer.

Provides HTTP method:

object_class_permission_dict = {'location': {'obj_class': <class 'fiction_outlines.models.Location'>, 'object_permission_required': 'fiction_outlines.edit_location', 'lookup_url_kwarg': 'location'}, 'outline': {'obj_class': <class 'fiction_outlines.models.Outline'>, 'object_permission_required': 'fiction_outlines.edit_outline', 'lookup_url_kwarg': 'outline'}}

Creates the location instance.

Raises:ParseError – if the location is already associated with the outline.
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.LocationInstanceSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.LocationInstanceDetailView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveDestroyAPIView

API view for non-creation actions on LocationInstance objects. As locations instances don’t have editable data, only retrieval and destroy are supported at this time.

Provides HTTP methods:

  • GET: Retrieve an individual object.
  • DELETE: Delete the object.
delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'instance'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_location_instance'
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.LocationInstanceSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.LocationList(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.generics.ListCreateAPIView

API view for location list

Provides HTTP methods:


Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)


Creates the object. If a series is specified, verify the user has rights to it as well.

Raises:PermissionDenied – if the user lackst he required permissions.
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.LocationSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.OutlineDetail(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API view for all single item outline operations besides create.

Provides HTTP methods:

  • GET: Retrieve an individual object.
  • PUT: Update the object with data compatible with a fiction_outlines_api.serializers.OutlineSerializer
  • PATCH: Update the object with partial data that corresponds to keys in the serializer.
  • DELETE: Delete the object.
delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'outline'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_outline'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Updates the object. If a series is specified, it verifies the user has permissions for that object as well.

Raises:PermissionDenied – if the user lacks the needed permissions.
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.OutlineSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.OutlineList(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.generics.ListCreateAPIView

API view for Outline list

Provides HTTP methods:


Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)


Creates the object. If a series is specified, it verfies that the user has rights to it as well.

Raises:PermissionDenied – if the user does not have the required permissions.
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.OutlineSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.SeriesDetail(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

Retrieves details of a series, and enables editing of the object.

Provides HTTP methods:

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'series'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_series'
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.SeriesSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.SeriesList(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework.generics.ListCreateAPIView

API view for series list.

Provides HTTP methods:


Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.SeriesSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.StoryNodeCreateView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, fiction_outlines_api.mixins.NodeAddMixin, rest_framework.generics.CreateAPIView

View for adding story nodes. You can only create tree elements in relation to other objects in the same tree. See mixins.NodeAddMixin for more details.

fields_required_for_add = ('story_element_type', 'name', 'description')

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'storynode'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.edit_story_node'
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.StoryElementNodeSerializer

class fiction_outlines_api.views.StoryNodeDetailView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, rest_framework.generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView

API for viewing and editing a story node.

Provides HTTP methods:

delete(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

lookup_url_kwarg = 'storynode'
object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.view_story_node'
patch(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
permission_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated'>,)
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
put(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.StoryElementNodeSerializer

update(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Updates the node, after first running it through validation to ensure it won’t violate the tree structure.

Raises:ParseError – if the edit would violate the tree structure.
class fiction_outlines_api.views.StoryNodeMoveView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: rest_framework_rules.mixins.PermissionRequiredMixin, fiction_outlines_api.mixins.NodeMoveMixin, rest_framework.generics.GenericAPIView

View for moving story nodes. See mixins.NodeMoveMixin for more details.


Get the list of items for this view. This must be an iterable, and may be a queryset. Defaults to using self.queryset.

This method should always be used rather than accessing self.queryset directly, as self.queryset gets evaluated only once, and those results are cached for all subsequent requests.

You may want to override this if you need to provide different querysets depending on the incoming request.

(Eg. return a list of items that is specific to the user)

object_permission_required = 'fiction_outlines.edit_story_node'
permission_required = 'fiction_outlines_api.valid_user'
related_key = 'outline'

alias of fiction_outlines_api.serializers.StoryElementNodeSerializer

target_node_type_fieldname = 'story_element_type'

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